Interviewing your Interviewer

An interview isn’t just a chance for a company to learn all about you, it’s your opportunity to determine if this is the right next step for your career and a good fit for you. To do that it’s important to be prepared with some strategic questions to both help position you as the right…

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Overcome Awkward Interview Moments Like A Boss

You know that feeling you get when you walk out of a conversation and wish you had said or done something differently, but now it’s too late? Interviews are a perfect example. You’ll spend the rest of the day and the following days mulling over every detail until you drive yourself crazy. We naturally approach…

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Is Your Résumé Effective? Stand Out With These Tips

The résumé – a page or two of information highlighting your skills, qualifications, education… you’ve heard it all before. But have you ever taken a long, honest look at the document you’re sending out to recruiters and hiring managers and asked: “Would I hire myself?” Before you answer the question, consider the fact that the…

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10 Valuable Tips for Entry Level Job Seekers

Entry level job seekers have a few things going for them: a fresh outlook on life; a clean professional slate; and the opportunity to immediately put their education to use. They are only lacking in one area: experience. Without experience, the focus must be placed on ensuring every factor in your power to control is…

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Make the Most of Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest online professional networks connecting people from virtually every industry to other professionals and businesses. You know this, we know this, so how do we make the most of all LinkedIn has to offer? This much is true for every social media platform – understanding how to get the…

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