How a Boss Parts Ways with an Employee

Having to part ways with an employee because they don’t measure up is one of the toughest parts of any manager and leader’s job. But what’s worse is having to let someone go who is a real asset to the company. It happens all the time. Your organization merges two divisions, eliminates an entire department,…

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The Recipe for a Return to Normal

A year ago, the headlines were dire. “New York City is Dead Forever,” read one of the most memorable ones. More recently, another one was slightly more hopeful: “New York Is Not Dead, But It Is On Life Support.” There were plenty of predictions that the city — and cities in general, for that matter…

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How to Survive Employment’s ‘Perfect Storm’

When they look at the country’s economic situation, most experts are seeing only sunny skies. The commercial and industrial sectors are roaring back, the number of available jobs is hitting new records, jobless claims continue to fall, consumer demand is at all time highs — and the list goes on. But for a lot of…

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Lead by Example: The Importance of Accountability

Accountability. It may not sound like the most glamorous of business concepts. But in my experience, accountability is one of those few make-or-break traits that defines true good leadership. Simply put, a workplace without accountability cannot succeed. It needs to be instilled in the company’s culture and values. Why? Think of it as one of…

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How to Hire for Tomorrow

If you’re running a business, you’re either constantly looking toward the future, or you’re a dinosaur. Yet companies that are constantly innovating their business plans to capture shifts in technology and the market are content to stick with a hiring plan from a bygone era — and then scratching their heads when they cannot replace…

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How to Get Along, Even When You Can’t Get Together

It is hard to believe that it’s already been a whole year since office life went remote. By now you’ve probably figured out a home setup that rivals your old office, with all the tools you rely on to get through the workday. But there is one aspect of office life that cannot be reproduced…

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