We face a world of uncertainty right now. Nothing is set in stone and things are ever changing day-by-day, hour-by-hour. For many of us, times are unsettling as our industries, and therefore our job security has been rocked. On top of that, we are facing a pandemic that effects the health and safety of everyone in the world with no end in site. It’s a scary time where we feel unsure, sad, scared, etc. and all of these feelings are OKAY and VALID!
What have you been doing to help combat this stress and stay positive and healthy? You should be doing the most for YOU right now, and to support those efforts, we’ve collected a few of our favorite tips that help clear our minds and relieve (some of our) stresses in today’s climate.
HAVE CONVERSATIONS: It’s easy to lose sight of connection when we are all separated from our normal routines and lives. Whether it’s with over FaceTime with a friend or family member, Zoom with your colleagues, or a phone call with your therapist, make sure you that you are speaking to someone. Even if you have others in your living arrangement, it is easy to feel isolated and alone during these not-so-normal (for most) circumstances.
STAY ACTIVE: Whether it’s taking a walk, going for a bike ride or doing an online workout class, take a moment to get up and get active. Not having your commute, being at the office, or regular social activities can have us sitting at our desks (or whatever your WFH space looks like) even more.
FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU: Find out what makes your day/routine/space best suited for YOU. This doesn’t have to mean redoing your whole guest room for the ultimate work space, but if it’s a candle that you can burn, do that. Or if going for a walk at 12PM works to help clear your mind, put on your mask and GO DO IT. It’s going to be these small little pieces of joy that keep us out of the “rut” that has the potential to build each day that we are at home. We all have to find a new schedule that keeps us motivated and each and every person’s is going to look different.
TRY A NEW APP: Switch up something in your new routine that helps clear your mind. Here are two that are helping us clear our minds and focus on the positives!