Creating Your Digital Portfolio

The current events of the world have moved mass majorities of the workforce to be remote. As we face this time period of adjustment and uncertainty, we’re here to let you know that candidates and clients alike are adapting. Not only is this going to be the new normal for the foreseeable future, but leaders are…

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Refining Your Resume

Because of the current state of our world, many of us have more time on our hands we know what to do with. Your weekends have said goodbye to brunch, and should start saying hello to getting your personal branding in the place it deserves to be! At JBC, we have a multitude of clients who are thriving during…

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6 Tips for Landing Your First Job!

It can be confusing knowing where to begin when you’re trying to land your first real job in the work force! Here are 6 of our top tips for revving up your job search and making it as efficient and successful as possible:   Utilize Your Online Resources: The world wide web allows us to…

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Is Your Résumé Effective? Stand Out With These Tips

The résumé – a page or two of information highlighting your skills, qualifications, education… you’ve heard it all before. But have you ever taken a long, honest look at the document you’re sending out to recruiters and hiring managers and asked: “Would I hire myself?” Before you answer the question, consider the fact that the…

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From Team JBC: Résumé Tips for the Entry Level Candidate

Recently, our CEO Bryan Zaslow had the opportunity to speak to freshmen in an Industry Exploration class at LIM College in New York City. Entering the job market can be daunting for new graduates so we were happy to offer some fashion industry insight and insider tips. For any job applicant, at any level, it…

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Make the Most of Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest online professional networks connecting people from virtually every industry to other professionals and businesses. You know this, we know this, so how do we make the most of all LinkedIn has to offer? This much is true for every social media platform – understanding how to get the…

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