The Recipe for a Return to Normal

A year ago, the headlines were dire. “New York City is Dead Forever,” read one of the most memorable ones. More recently, another one was slightly more hopeful: “New York Is Not Dead, But It Is On Life Support.” There were plenty of predictions that the city — and cities in general, for that matter…

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Unplug…As a Way to Be More Productive

Before the pandemic, working remotely from home sounded like a luxury. A year in, the reality has turned out to be, well, a little bit different. Many workers are finding that work from home has meant working more and caring for ourselves less. Losing the separation between the spaces where we live and work has…

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How to Get Along, Even When You Can’t Get Together

It is hard to believe that it’s already been a whole year since office life went remote. By now you’ve probably figured out a home setup that rivals your old office, with all the tools you rely on to get through the workday. But there is one aspect of office life that cannot be reproduced…

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