Seize More Than Just the Day

I thought that nothing could be worse than that moment two years ago when doctors informed me that my son, Ithan, had a brain tumor. As a parent, nothing on earth is more important to me than my children and we were completely blindsided by the news. It was utterly devastating but in hindsight this…

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Lead by Example: The Importance of Accountability

Accountability. It may not sound like the most glamorous of business concepts. But in my experience, accountability is one of those few make-or-break traits that defines true good leadership. Simply put, a workplace without accountability cannot succeed. It needs to be instilled in the company’s culture and values. Why? Think of it as one of…

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Wake Up! We’re in a ‘Digital Pandemic’

Have you noticed that everyone around you — the colleagues you work with on a daily basis, the clients that you’ve had for years, and even your closest friends and family members — have seemed stressed out lately? All of us have dealt with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, but recently many of us have…

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How to Hire for Tomorrow

If you’re running a business, you’re either constantly looking toward the future, or you’re a dinosaur. Yet companies that are constantly innovating their business plans to capture shifts in technology and the market are content to stick with a hiring plan from a bygone era — and then scratching their heads when they cannot replace…

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How to Get Along, Even When You Can’t Get Together

It is hard to believe that it’s already been a whole year since office life went remote. By now you’ve probably figured out a home setup that rivals your old office, with all the tools you rely on to get through the workday. But there is one aspect of office life that cannot be reproduced…

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